1. On 9/17 I ordered a Lenovo T520 to replace the Latitude D800 that I've had for 4+ years.
2. Had a Windows Server (2003) this past week that freaked out after I modified some permissions in the registry. Fortunately their Backup Exec had been faithfully saving the System State, so I restored the registry files to an alternate location, booted up off of an Ultimate Boot Disc CD, and restored clean registry files.
3. An Elastix phone server was going offline repeatedly. I could not ping its gateway, although I could ping LAN devices...and Windows workstations could ping the same gateway just fine. The problem was an IP conflict, and that was determined by running arp -a to see that a working PC was using the real gateway's MAC address and the phone server was using a Linksys Access Point's MAC address.
4. When trying to uninstall Sophos Antivirus on an XP Home box, it told me to become a member of the SophosAdministrator group...but XP Home doesn't have groups, right? Wrong. Running net localgroup lists all the groups, and running net localgroup SophosAdministrator /add