
Auto-answer (intercom) for extension-to-extension calls with FreePBX and Digium phones

You have a VoIP phone system running the FreePBX distribution of Asterisk with Digium phones connected to it.  Your client says "I want interoffice phone calls to be intercom style - no ringing".  Here's how to accomplish that.

First, enable it on a per-extension basis in FreePBX.

Second, install Webmin and edit the FreePBX database to change the intercom signal from "Ring-Answer" to "Intercom" (to eliminate a preliminary ring and only have a "beep" sound).

Hyper-V 2012 R2

Installed Microsoft's free Hyper-V 2012 R2 product tonight.  It boots into what resembles "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" and supports Remote Desktop.  Disabled its firewall by running
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off and also had to disable the firewall on my Windows 7 laptop for the free 5Nine Manager for Hyper-V to work correctly.

Ran Install-WindowsFeature FS-Fileserver to enable the default file share of \\server\c$