
Storage Spaces - an update

Today I noticed that the StorageSpaces event log is full of dire notifications:

So I tried to move my virtual machines to another host (so I could safely work on the StorageSpace), but was told "Virtual machine migration operation failed at migration source.  Failed to establish a connection with host. No credentials are available in the security package" even though I'd long-since configured constrained delegation with these commands from AidanFinn:

$HostName = "host1"
$HostFQDN = "$HostName.demo.internal"
Get-ADComputer host2| Set-ADObject -Add @{"msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo"="Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/$HostFQDN", "Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/$HostName", "cifs/$HostFQDN", "cifs/$HostName"}

Restarting the NETLOGON service on the source Hyper-V server fixed this.

With my virtual machines moved off, I wanted to remove (from the pool) the physical disk that StorageSpaces reported an I/O error on (to run Seagate diagnostics on it)...but because a virtual disk which used that physical disk was in a degraded state, the Server Manager wouldn't let me do that.

In a production environment, you might just pull out the suspected bad drive and put in a new drive, but here I really want to run the Seagate diagnostics on the drive while it was still in the computer case (you could say I'm lazy)...so I deleted the virtual disk, removed the physical drive from the storage space, launched the Seagate diagnostic tool (it was able to see the drive) and started the "Fix All - Long" test (link) which took 3.5 hours and reported the drive as good, so I added the physical disk back into the Storage Space and recreated the virtual disk and volume on it.

Upon trying to move virtual machines back to this host, I got the same error message as above!  In fact, I couldn't even RDP into the VM host by hostname...although doing so by IP address worked.  The solution to both problems was to configure the NIC with an online DNS server.

In the process of re-learning Storage Spaces a bit, I found this nice overview of the technology and this in-depth explanation of how to replace a failed disk.

OK, so life is back to normal.  In the future, I want an email alert when Storage Spaces writes an error or warning into its Windows event log...here are the scripts:

Function Send-Email($EmailSubject, $EmailBody)
$Username = "jeremy@comcast.net"
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'MyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Username, $Password

Send-MailMessage -from VM-HOST1<jeremy@comcast.net> -to jeremy@mydomain.com -subject $EmailSubject -body $EmailBody -smtpserver smtp.comcast.net -port 587 -usessl -Credential $cred

#Import the function above
. "C:\Email.ps1"

$MyFilter = @{LogName='Microsoft-Windows-StorageSpaces-Driver/Operational';Level=1,2,3;StartTime=(Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5)}

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter | ForEach-Object {

    $EmailSubject = "Storage Spaces " + $_.LevelDisplayName + " (" + $_.ID + ")"
    $EmailBody = $_.Message
    Send-Email $EmailSubject $EmailBody

$T = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date).AddMinutes(5)
$T.RepetitionInterval = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5)
$T.RepetitionDuration = (New-TimeSpan -Days 3650)

$A = New-ScheduledTaskAction -execute "Powershell.exe" -argument "-nologo -noprofile -noninteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\Monitor-StorageSpaces.ps1"
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Monitor Storage Spaces (setup by Jeremy)" -Trigger $T -Action $A -User "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -RunLevel 1